Sunday, March 16, 2008

Surfwise Is All about the Modern Frontiersman

Documentaries of people throwing modern life into the wind and communing with the wilderness and the elements seem to be getting popular these days, perhaps it's because of issues like global warming and environmental degradation that have crept into everyday consciousness. Remember the sixties and seventies? It's supposed to be the Age of Aquarius!

Well, people who are into this kind of stuff will be wanting to watch this new documentary movie about one medical doctor who threw his old life away to make it a nomadic life of surfing living in a small trailer and eating food with little fat or sugar. But while most who experience this king of epiphany go out on their own, this man, Dorian Paskowitz set out to live his dream with his wife and kids---all nine of them! Their story is told like never before in this movie and will no doubt inspire many viewers, especially those who love surfing, nature, and living a nomadic life.

Paskowitz has been considered a modern frontiersman, but instead of the old covered wagon as his home, he had an old trailer where he raised his family and which took them to experience the adventure of their lives. Move over Thornberries!

Jump here to view pictures of the Pakowitz family during the Surfwise party at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF).

Here is a safe and easy way to fat loss!

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